Welcome to my humble abode!

I am <INSERT HUMAN NAME HERE> and I'm here to rock your world. I'm not going to spill a bunch of personal info here on the landing page, but I'm here to tell you about what you can expect to find on this little corner of the intertubes.

If you're curious about who I am and what I've done, check out the About me section. There you can find contact information, portfolio of stuff I've done and perhaps a somewhat up-to-date photo if you're lucky.

I also do some kind of long form blogging, which you can find under the Blog section. I try to categorize my entries as much as possible, but expect a lot of tech and gaming writings as well as some personal ramblings from time to time.

If I've found some neato internets stuff, I will probably put some links into the Bookmarks section. Again, I will try to keep things neat and tidy, but don't hope for any miracles.

The Toy box is for your entertainment and pleasure, where I will post things I've built or been tinkering on which you may experience on- or offline.

This homepage has been migrated from Wordpress and is now running 11ty, which I think is just great! I'll probably release the source code for the homepage over at my Codeberg at a point when I believe the code is clean enough.