It’s a baby!

It’s been a while since I’ve written any long form posts. To remedy this, I’ve now installed the WordPress app on my phone so that I can post on the go.

So, what’s been up lately? Well, for starters, we’re getting a dog! It’s a still some weeks away, since doggo’s only a couple of days old. She was born on May 14th and her current name is Fia-Lotta, although I’m not too keen on that name so we’re thinking of renaming her once she gets home. The name candidates are Lexi, Chili, Hilda and Cilla. She’ll be ready for pickup in the middle of July, we can’t wait for her to join our family!

Our newborn pup

What else, what else… Oh! I’m off to see Bruce Dickinson in Stockholm and Gröna Lund on June 11th! It’s going to be awesome. Even though his latest album ain’t no Chemical Wedding, it still has some bangers. Also it’s likely that they’ll play some classics as well. Anyway, as soon as I heard about the concert I booked all the tickets immediately. I wasn’t sure if any of my friends were going, but it seems like I’m getting some company after all – one of my best mates even booked in the same hotel! Did I mention it’s going to be awesome?

Promotional photo of Bruce Dickinson for the album The Mandrake Project

In other news, my birthday was this week! Yes, you’re now looking (?) at a 41 year old fart. It was quite low key since I’m not too excited over birthdays that aren’t major milestones, like last year. I was happy that my wife got me the NES game Micro Mages on physical cart, as well a rechargeable air duster and a HDD Clicker. Unfortunately, the HDD Clicker doesn’t seem to like the LED signal from my 486 (it was clicking non-stop), so it will have to live in my Pentium 2 instead. And for those who haven’t heard of Micro Mages, it’s an awesome arcade platformer with some tiny mages scaling towers full of baddies. It’s amazing how they managed to fit everything in just 40 kilobytes, there’s a great video on YouTube explaining how they did it.

Micro Mages by Morphcat Games

How can I have such a thoughtful wife that knows exactly what I wanted? Well, I just gave her the link to my nifty Wishlistr.

Until next time:

l i v e    f a s t    e a t    t r a s h

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